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An ECO Congregation

In June 2005, Shrewsbury URC became the first church in Shropshire to win the Eco Congregation Award, after demonstrating that it makes the link between Christian Faith and environmental issues.

The Eco Team have encouraged us to embrace a variety of initiatives, including creation, awareness, recycling, energy conservation and local and global outreach.

This is an ongoing programme which tries to involve all aspects of church life.

ECO Group

We meet at least four times a year to promote green issues in the church and community, helping the whole congregation to make the link between their Christian faith and environmental concerns.

The group takes practical action in the church and grounds. Activities have included:

  • Promotions of fair trade in the church and town including talks at churches, women’s groups and schools.

  • Promotion of green issues through displays and newsletter articles.

  • Improving energy efficiency in the Church.

  • Promoting recycling: including crisp packets, biscuit and cheese wrappers, plastic bottles, ink cartridges, cardboard and paper.

  • Personal experience of church members is valued


New members are always welcome.

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